Let's face it: you probably shouldn't use the handle "POTUS" or "CocaCola." While the President of the United States, as a term, may not be "trademarked," we're just going to leave that one for the President, if he wants to use it. So, we're working on a list of reserved names, but, in the event we determine that you've used a name you shouldn't, you're hereby notified that we're going to make you change your "name." "JohnSmith," you're good to go, but "JayZ..." send us an email. In other words, we don't want anyone masquerading around using your name, whether it's officially "Trademarked" or not, so we'll work with you.
Trademark policy Updated September 19, 2016
What is a Trademark Policy Violation on WithContxt? Using another's trademark in a manner that may mislead or confuse others about your brand affiliation may be a violation of our trademark policy.
How Does WithContxt Respond to Trademark Reports? We review each report and do the following:
If we determine that there is a violation of our trademark policy, we may suspend the account. In some instances, we may give the account holder an opportunity to comply with our policies before suspending the account. If you would like to report a trademark violation in the WithContxt Platform, please use the "Report Abuse" page. Please note that WithContxt only investigates requests that are submitted by the trademark holder or by an authorized representative of the trademark holder.
What is not a Trademark Policy Violation? Referencing another's trademark is not automatically a violation of WithContxt's trademark policy. Examples include:
Using a trademark in a way that is outside the scope of the trademark registration (e.g. territory, or goods and services identified in the registration). Nominative and other fair uses of trademarks are protected uses under our trademark policy, so long as the account is clearly distinguished from the trademark owner. This includes use by resellers in certain regions and accounts engaging in parody, commentary, or news. For more information, see our Parody, Commentary, and Fan Account Policy.
How do I Report a Trademark Policy Violation? If you would like to report a trademark violation in the WithContxt Platform, please use the "Report Abuse" page.