As an entrepreneur, I’ve directly interacted with and sold to thousands of customers and potential customers and built several businesses.
As a political activist and consultant, I’ve directly influenced tens of thousands of voters.
I’ve been around the Startup community for years, watched hundreds of pitches, and given out tons of ideas for how to grow businesses. I recently obtained a Master of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from the University of Texas at Dallas, too. Over the last decade, I’ve become REALLY good at determining who the right customer is for businesses, opening doors to the decision makers who will buy what you’re selling, and training others to do the same.
Now, I’m offering Startups the opportunity to learn and grow with the help of a grizzled veteran!
You, the (Co-)Founder, are the best salesman for your Startup because you have the passion and knowledge. However, every Startup Founder needs a fresh perspective and you probably haven't mastered cloning. My ability to empathize with customers, voters, and potential volunteers and donors can be harnessed for your business or non-profit.
Maybe you've hit that proverbial wall and need help getting up and over it. I'll give you the boost to scale that wall.
Instantly Expand Your Team
If you're the Founder, should you be making those calls? Or should someone else make those calls to qualify prospects, then be brought in later to help close the deal? I'm pretty sure you know the answer to that question.
You have things to do, which you need to project to prospects. That can be hard when you're a hungry Startup, so I can help out on a part-time basis until you're ready for full-time.
Research, Testing, and Messaging
Maybe you know the right market, but you think maybe another market could benefit, too. I'll research and experiment.
Maybe when you talk about your Startup, your face lights up and your energy is contagious, but your "pitch" isn't scaleable for other people. I'll figure out how others can quickly communicate your message.
My Goal
I've been an entrepreneur all my adult life. I would love for your Startup to grow out of "Startup" and I want to grow into your Product Development Lead/Director/Co-Founder. In the mean time, we'll build your business together!
Got Data?
I'm an econometrician. The fact that people don't know what that is and, instead, dumb data on "data analysts" frustrates me to no end. Almost everyone who considers himself a data scientist or analyst is really just a computer programmer who knows how to make pretty graphs.
An Econometrician actually knows how to interpret data. The only reason he cares about graphs is because most people can't possibly comprehend the amount of actual work that goes into determining the correlations between variables, then crafting the forecast.
Here's my current model of the Year-Over-Year Percent Change in Sales Tax Revenue for the State of Texas (stopping before the beginning of the COVID-related Lockdown:
Let me know if you'd like an explanation of this Ordinary Least Squares Regression output. I can make pretty graphs, too, but wouldn't you rather know the correlation between Sales Tax Revenue (KEI_STCTX) and the number of homes sold in Texas in the previous month (KEI_HOMESTX(-1)?
Do You Have an App?
So did I! I even bought iPods for demoing my App at conventions and conferences, so we can load it up and watch people use your App!
Do YOU create great websites?
Well, I'm working on it. I recently re-taught myself WordPress and can get a great website up and running in a couple of days.
We can work on them together. I've been there. I get it.
How much?
Good question! I'm glad you asked!
Reasonably priced. You have a Startup and you're probably "pre-revenue," which we all know means you're eating ramen noodles and drinking economical coffee.
I deserve compensation because I'm laying the groundwork for future sales, iterating, pivoting, and generally going where no man has gone before.
I'm going to call hundreds of perspective customers for you. I'm going to create a sales script for you and for others to use now and in the future. I'm going to do the testing that you've been doing... but with a fresh look. We WILL build your business, but it may take time.