WithContxt Demo - Recorded at the Dallas Entrepreneur Center on June 10th, 2017, immediately prior to the latest big update!
Other Uses for WithContxt
Your next bar mitzvah! Or really any other event.... You know how everyone asks, "Are you going to live stream it?" We all know they won't watch live. They want the highlight reel. And sure, your cousin, Marco, is going to bring his big Canon (camera) and eventually get around to sharing the super-hi-def video after agonizing over the editing for a decade, but that's not exactly what everyone wants. We want to see what other people deem important.
Invite everyone to the Contxt so they can share video, pictures, and comments with each other in real time, before, during, and after the event. No more searching all over Insta, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. for all of the content. It's all there in one place, as well as a conversation among attendees. Oh, and we're not going to use images from your private event for our own use because that's creepy AF.