WithContxt facilitates fun, lighthearted interactions among friends by creating games out of every day contests or challenges. As a Grassroots Political Organizer, Jarrod Atkinson developed methods of engaging in volunteers, voters, strangers, and all manner of beast; those methods led him to develop an App that would have REALLY made his job easier, gotten more people involved, made him a ton of money, and generally increased his impact on that political landscape. If you're not of the same (libertarian) mindset, then you probably appreciate that it wasn't available.
Ultimately, we will provide massive value to local businesses and non-profits who utilize the application to inspire users to better their communities, interact with those in need, discover new and innovative products and services, and generally get their rear ends off of the couch and out from behind their phone screen. Until we are able to add features, it's really just a fun way to interact with friends. With our limited marketing expenses, we'll be targeting a slightly older demographic of smartphone users who may not appreciate Snapchat, Instagram, and other platforms, but who will definitely appreciate Contxts.
WithContxt allows participants to engage in real time challenges that, when taken out of contxt, may appear silly, ridiculous, or just plain odd. WithContxt, however, these challenges take on a life of their own and allow users the ultimate interactive creative experience, while enhancing their community and their relationships.
The Initial Version of WithContxt will be available on the iOS in October 2016, with the Android version to follow as soon as possible. Sign up for updates here!
Jarrod, the Founder and First to get WithContxt, has spent the last decade deeply involved in politics, which, as you can imagine, has hastened his hair loss. Grassroots politics means spending long days and late nights motivating others to volunteer their valuable time and energy to campaigns and causes. Along the way, he made and sold t-shirts to fellow activists, opened an innovative retail store, became a Financial Advisor with a boutique financial services firm that specializes in alternative non-publicly traded investments, and renovated and operated a horse boarding and training facility. Connect with him on LinkedIn.
If you would like to contact Jarrod, aka the First WithContxt, you may do so at [email protected] or 855-4-CONTXT.